September 10, 2024


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Be Prepared for Hurricane Season with Sferic Protect

As hurricane season approaches, companies in vulnerable parts of the country usually prepare for the worst. Hurricanes are massive meteorological events, and their immense destructive power often hits businesses the hardest. Fortunately, our weather map software, Sferic, can help you manage weather-related risks with relative ease this hurricane season.

How Our Weather Programs Keep Employees Safe

Storm tracking software can be extremely helpful to any company or organization in Hurricane alley and beyond. Sferic Protect provides real-time web-based monitoring to companies, and it allows users to customize settings to reflect the weather conditions in their area. The software program can be accessed from any computer or mobile device, and it allows users to send messages and updates to their employees. Sferic Protect can also provide the following:

• High-decibel outdoor weather alerts
• Lightening detection technology
• Managed weather equipment
• Public weather display

Multiple Sferic Protect software packages are available, and users will have the option to choose the package that best suits their organization’s needs.

24/7 Access to Meteorologists

Managing hurricane-related risks can be difficult, especially if your region has never been hit by a hurricane. This can pose a problem if you have employees or company branches located in hurricane alley, but our software can help you monitor weather conditions and keep employees alert from afar. Most of our Sferic Protect packages offer users 24/7 access to a full network of meteorologists. Our meteorologists are here to help during severe weather, and they can help you keep your operations strong during any storm.

Contact Us

As a business owner or manager, you have a right to be worried about the upcoming hurricane season. Hurricanes can be devastating, but with a bit of preparation and Sferic Protect on your side, you can keep your employees safe and ensure your day-to-day operations are never jeopardized. Contact Earth Networks at (301)-417-5244.