September 13, 2024


The Source For Technology!

Vital Web Design Tips For Growing Companies

Do you want to propel your company to the next level? Is your business going from strength to strength at the current time? Then it’s probably a good idea to make some changes to your website. Having a simple domain was fine while your company was small. However, you’re going to need something a little more substantial to keep up with demand. So, we’ve created this article to give you some great advice. So long as your new site design contains all the elements listed below, you should be okay. If it doesn’t, you need to go back to the drawing board.

Excelerate Team, Monday August 29, 2011, at Excelerate Labs in Chicago. photo by

Live chat features

Customer service is an essential part of running your modern business. It’s also a vital part of running a successful business website. However, most people have no desire to call your team on the telephone these days. Responding to thousands of emails can take a long time, and so you should add a live chat feature to your site. That will allow customers or potential customers to get in touch in real time. They can make complaints to members of your team or ask questions about your products. Research shows that responding to queries quickly can stop a customer from leaving your website. As you know, most people will look elsewhere if they are not satisfied.

Simple navigation options

The design experts at Perth Web Design know that simple navigation options are essential for modern domains. Indeed, that is why they always recommend their clients keep things as basic as possible. Internet users don’t want to work hard to find their desired products. They will leave a website that seems complicated and look for something easier to grasp. For that reason, you should look at popular selling sites like Amazon for inspiration. Millions of people make purchases through that domain every single day, and that’s due to the simplicity. If you can replicate their concepts and techniques, you’re onto a winner.

Keyword-rich content

You need to make sure your site appears in all the correct listings on Google. That means you need to engage in some basic SEO techniques at the very least. With a bit of luck, your chosen web design agency will handle most of the hard work. However, you can still make improvements whenever you have time. Make a list of all the keywords and phrases you would like to target. You can then begin to add them to the content on your website naturally. For instance, let’s presume you want to target the phrase “adult skateboards.” You could add sentences like “we stock the best adult skateboards on the market.” You get the idea, right?

Those web design tips might seem simple, but you wouldn’t believe how many companies get it wrong. Sometimes you have to start with the most fundamental elements to ensure you build from a firm foundation. Continue your research to ensure your new site produces the best results possible. Remember, you can split test changes to see how they affect your conversion rates. That is a strategy all the top companies use with great success.