September 14, 2024


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Best Way to Improve Your Smart Mobile Battery Life

Android-batter-2Battery life is a complicated word while you consider the smart mobiles because when a first smart mobile was launched many people expressed their displeasure due to the poor battery life, after that plenty of smart mobiles reached the market and hit peak sale though some of the smart mobiles lacks with poor battery life only few smart mobile offers better.
Unfortunately, these better battery life smart mobiles also, deserve some power problems due to the continuous use of bright screens along with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and 3G. Here some list of mobile settings should allow you to extend your battery life.

Reduce the Screen Brightness:

People like to use their large colorful display of smart mobiles but this is the biggest enemy of your battery, so keep your mobile auto-brightness feature that automatically adjusts the screen’s brightness to suit ambient lighting levels, which consumes only less power so avoid more brightness mode use of your mobile.Better-galaxy-S5-battery-life-screen-brightness

Keep the screen timeout short:

Under you display settings menu you can find the timeout options for your screen in that, choose always 15 or 30 seconds because every second of your on screen consumes more power.Better-Galaxy-S5-Battery-Life-Screen-timeout

Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi:

This is a time to turn off your Bluetooth, though you loves hands-free headset because it consumes more power so avoid Bluetooth radio, by this way you can save one hour or more battery life and then your Wi-Fi radio also a serious battery killer.

Go easy on the GPS:

GPS, another big battery sucker many apps access your phone’s GPS to provide services ranging from finding nearby restaurants to checking you in on social networks, avoid these apps.

Don’t leave apps running in the background:

Multitasking is a way of handling more than one app at a time, which is a most important battery sucker, but it is a powerful smart mobile feature, try to avoid unwanted multitasking.

These are the major features sucks more battery life apart from these you must also avoid vibration type status notification, turn off unwanted notifications, embark to use your mobile in energy saving mode and so on. Keep these advises and enhance your battery life.