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Take more photos than ever before-PhotoSpotLand

adesivoV-01Now allow your smartphones to take more photos than ever before, although those cameras get better but not allow you to take DSLR-quality images, because the sensors used in DSLR cameras is more effective and big too, for different kind of situation you need big sensors and the right kind of lens to snap a better one. For this, an awesome app PhotoSpotLand coded for those who pertaining to click a snap with real cameras.

If you belong to travel site and photographer community, you must take a snap with a strong focus, and your image must describe your way of thinking to other. Fundamental use of this app is to identify the appropriate or right spot to take images.

To achieve this you can either use the website or the company’s recently updated mobile app, if you focus on it you must interrogate about the difference which separates PhotoSpotLand from photo-sharing service.

The PhotoSpotLand show the list about the kind of equipments, others used in this spot to take a certain photo, and also find other tips of other photographers shared about the location. It includes other aspect such as it tries to help you meet up with other photographers while you are traveling.photospotland

What makes this mobile app unique among all photo oriented app? Obviously a SMS based connection. It uses a working cell connection to send and receive SMS messages, so you don’t need to have a data connection.

PhotoSpotLand use its intelligence by encodes your location and other data into a message and move it forth and back on the same way, but there is no way to share an image this way, of course, but it’s good enough for exchanging location data when necessary.

The PhotoSpotLand developers argues, that this takes advantage over spending international data cost and helps the users to save somewhat though your text messages will obviously still cost you a few cents if you want to use this service, also check out the photo editor and messenger app Camu.

Take more photos than even before from a right spot with right equipment by using PhotoSpotLand.